Serrini – Songs of Experience [2019] WEB Album

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04/04/2019 at 12:41Category:Chinese/Mandarin

[Album] Serrini – Songs of Experience [2019.04.03] (樹妮妮Serrini – 邪童謠/Songs of Experience)
MP3 / 320 / WEB 91.53 MB
FLAC / Lossless / WEB 431.97 MB

Release Info
“邪童謠” = evil nursery rhymes

01. 成為/Becoming MV (embed disabled)
02. 妳/You
03. 灰黛/Lady Grey
04. 豔后/Evil Queen
05. 笛女/Piperess’s Revenge
06. 小紅/Lil’ Red
07. 海妖/Sirens
08. 芒果妖姬/La Femme du Mango
09. 日月無光/Darkening
10. 邪童謠/The Song of Experience
11. 靜謐神林/Forest